Altrua New Client Pre-Enroll Understanding

Application fee | $100.00 | Initial fee, then annually. Added to first month’s premium you are quoted              

Ministry fee $25 initial—1 time, then added to first month’s premium you are quoted.

Plans applied for by the 20th of the month are effective the 1st of the following month

Must be non-tobacco (including smokeless)—for 1 year

Agreement of Statement of Standards

  • We care for one another.
  • We keep our bodies clean and healthy with proper nutrition.
  • We believe the use of any form of tobacco, illicit drugs and excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to the body and soul.
  • We believe that marriage is a bond between a man and a woman. Sexual relations outside the bond of marriage are morally wrong.
  • We believe abortion is wrong, except in a life-threating situation of the mother.
  • We care for our families and physical, mental or emotional abuse of any kind to a family member or anyone else is morally wrong.

Pregnancy not covered for 20 months—(conception after 10 months of the plan’s effective date)

Cancer not covered in the 1st year—Must have a cancer screening within 6 months of the plan’s effective date, or within 30 days after the plan’s effective date, and every two years from the previous “negative result”.

Men—Over the age of 50, a PSA blood test

Women—Over the age of 40, a mammogram and a pap smear with pelvic exam

Child activity coverage increase–$300 per child per year. Increases coverage from $5,000 per incident to $25,000 per incident.  This only applied or organized team sports at the high school level and above—not youth recreation team sports.  We help many of our clients with less expensive “supplemental coverage that includes the whole family.

Pre-Authorization—Always notify Altrua of planned (NOT emergency care) hospitalizations and medical test—MRI, CAT scans, cardiology tests etc.

 This document is not intended replace the Member Guideline booklet.

Please review and understand the complete contents of the


This document simply highlights some of the Member Guidelines many clients are most interested in and effected by.