DIY Mask Making Tutorials

DIY Mask Making Tutorials

I hope that you are staying healthy, safe and in place during this difficult time.

We’re all in this together, and with that in mind I wanted to share some mask making tutorials that I thought might be helpful to you or someone you know.  Homemade masks are not a replacement for medical-grade masks, but if you would like to create a mask for yourself or for people and places in need, here are a few options.

If you are like me and can’t sew, here’s a link to a NO SEW MASK tutorial on YouTube:

For those of you who can sew, here’s a link to a mask tutorial for sewing machines on YouTube:

If you like to use an embroidery machine, here’s a free embroidery machine mask design file from the Ohana Applique Designs site:

Again, homemade masks are not a replacement for medical-grade masks.  Here’s what the CDC has to say about the use of cloth face coverings to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Stay well!